Allen Eiry Center

 Allen Eiry Center is a social organization that promotes and provides activities for those 50 and older in and around the community. They provide quality programs for your health, educational, social and recreational interests along with travel options for both single day and multi day trips. The Allen Eiry Center is a private, non-profit organization funded by Tiffin-Seneca United Way, The Columbus Foundation, membership dues, grants, special events and friends of the organization.


Allen Eiry Center's Annual October Calendar Fundraiser
Meet Diane Culver, Executive Director of Chamber member, the Allen Eiry Center!

Meet Diane Culver, Executive Director of Chamber member, the Allen Eiry Center!

Meet Diane Culver, Executive Director of Chamber member, the Allen Eiry Center!



Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga at Allen Eiry Center

Creating Crafts at AEC

Creating Crafts at AEC

Monday Morning Crafts at the Allen Eiry Center

Basic Balance Class at AEC

Basic Balance Class at AEC

New Basic Balance Class at the Allen Eiry Center every Monday at 10 AM. This will help you improve your balance, including balance education and exercise to strengthen the legs, core, and overall body.

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by The best in our community


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