The Seneca County Industrial Management Council (IMC) exists to influence community and political organizations on items of industrial interest, assist members in attaining improved efficiency and more effective business methods, work as a group in order to contain industry related costs, promote industrial development, support educational programs which encourage free enterprise, and ameliorate relationships and develop better understanding between industry and other facets of the community.
Membership organizations have previously included utilities, local industrial organizations, educational institutions, area hospitals, and occupational clinics, that have related management interests. IMC was originally formed in 1981.
IMC membership meets quarterly and recent meetings have been an annual update of the member organizations where they recap the recent year and provide a glimpse of the year ahead, an educational dinner, a legislative breakfast, summer networking outing, a local company tour and dinner, and the holiday party. Membership is $80 a year and the membership organization is invoiced for the meeting meals.
Ed Blott, President
Jason Parkins, Vice President
Chuck Eingle, Treasurer
Bryce Riggs
Deb Martorana
To contact us click here
April 25, 2024
Legislative Breakfast
August 6, 2024
Summer Outing